Research Laboratory of the Year
This award is open to any laboratory or research group engaging in both basic and applied research at a third level (university, technological institute, or college of education) or research institutions. This includes laboratories working in the public service and health care facilities.
Entry is by a 5 A4 page submission; the judges will be looking for clear information backed up by facts that pays particular attention to the criteria listed below.
Please outline the size and nature of the organisation where the work is carried out. This includes the turnover or level of funding; level of job creation/ employment/ training or number of students hosted.
Originality of the research/ work carried out in the lab: How does your work compare to everybody else’s? How competitive is your research?
Innovation: The lab must have a track record of innovation. They must demonstrate the degree of innovation of products, services or in research and their commercial potential.
Quality of publications and/or patents/ or software: The lab must submit details of previous relevant publications, patents or prizes.
Professional Standing and accreditation: What are the qualifications of the lab leaders or accreditations achieved by the lab?
Outline your research program and how you have achieved it: Detail significant milestones achieved. What is the impact of the research to current developments in your field?
Training: What is the training program in your lab? How many students do you have? Have past lab members achieved positions within research or industry?
What is the societal significance of the work? It is something that will benefit people’s lives for the better? For example, will it improve the standard of living for large numbers of people, save lives, promote good health or clean up the environment?
1. Visit our 'How to Enter' page for our Items Checklist & Step-by-Step Guide. CLICK HERE.
2. Once you have created your PDF submission and you have all items in the Items Checklist, submit your entry via the Online Entry Form. CLICK HERE.